Classes at the Bettina Steinke Studios
462 Acequia Madre #1 Santa Fe

Mondays 4:00-5:00pm – Beginner Tai Chi

Learn the Principles, the Yang Form and Spinal Chi Gung, work on balance and strength, practice breathing and meditative walking, and other fundamentals.

Thursday 3:45-4:45pm – Flow Practice Yang Form

Join us for Chi Gung and the 37 Posture Form practice. Whether you know the form well or are still learning it, this class goes through the entire form then works on smaller sections for practice and clarification.

Classes at the Water Park
on Upper Canyon Road

As of 2018, Bill Gallen has 27 years of practice 15 years of teaching Cheng Man Ching’s 37 Posture Yang Form, various chi gungs, Yang sword form, tui shou (push hands / sensing hands), IYTC, taoist breath control and meditation.

Wednesday 9:00-9:45am – Yang Class

Principles and fundamentals of Chi Gung and tai chi in the beautiful location of the Water Park on Upper Canyon Road.

Saturday 9:00-9:45am – Yang/IYTC Class

Principles and fundamentals of Chi Gung and tai chi in the beautiful location of the Water Park on Upper Canyon Road.

505-507-4539 or